Course curriculum

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    • Why?

    • Intention

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    • There is Only One Thing You Need To Grow

    • Set a Door Goal

    • Give Yourself a Deadline - Parkinson's Law

    • The Ugly Truth About Your Results

    • The Ugly Truth About Commitment

    • Exercise: Breathe Out - More Left In the Tank

    • Are You ALL IN?

    • TBOLITNFL Preface

    • TBOLITNFL - Personal Internal Commitment

    • Exercise: I AM Statements

    • Write Down Your Current Story (Excuses, Beliefs, & Payoffs)

    • Reality is God

    • Reality vs Fantasy - You Can't Have Both

    • Killing Imposter Syndrome

    • Create a Vision Worth Fighting For - The Bigger the Why, Easier the How

    • No One is Coming to Save You

    • We All Start At Level Suck

    • Rapid Iteration

    • The Void - Illustrated

    • Take Action Now - Illustrated

    • Exercise: Get Clear on All Your Resources

    • Care ROI - Doing things that are Completely Unscalable

    • Importance of Presence in Listening & Learning

    • You Attract How You Act

    • Power Call from Rapid Revamp Class 1

    • Power Decision Worksheet

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    Preparation Actions

    • Exercise: What is Your Current Story (That gets you your current results?)

    • Exercise: Kylego

    • Joe Rogan - Be the Hero of Your Own Movie

    • Exercise: Create Your Hero's Journey Document